The Studio

First off, Ace is my middle name. I decided to call my artwork ‘Studio.Ace’ because I have many mediums I work with, and therefore ‘studio’ just seemed so fitting. I’m based in Chicago and I’m working on something different everyday (literally). My ‘studio’ is my laptop so it’s funny to call it that. But in all honesty, this little computer has made more art than I could even fit into a real studio and I’m excited to share my work with you. 

The Artist

I was born Omaha, Nebraska, and started pursuing my artistic endeavors at an early age. Majoring in Graphic Design at the University of Nebraska, I moved to Chicago to continue to flap my wigs. In Chicago, is where I signed with Turning Art, who helped my work get published around the country.

Since then, I’ve continued making artwork and this online art store is the next part of my main quest. Take a look around, follow, and enjoy!

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